How to fix Error in Required structured data Element?

How to fix Error in Required structured data Element?

Friends, as a beginner, we encounter many errors after submitting our blog or a website in the Google Search console. Sometimes, we face issues that do not have a recent solution or any troubleshooting video to resolve so in this post, you will learn about how to fix an error in Required structured data element in WordPress AMP

After submission of a site in Google Search Console. It checks for any data structure-related error, post issues, indexing issues, and reports the same to the user.

Before, writing this post, I fixed the most commonly seen error in my Google search console for my site so I thought to myself that why not write about it as others might also get some help from this article

Let me start off the topic, so what is an error in the required data structure element? Why do you see this either on AMP or the normal page?

So, we see this error when there is no set Schema updated under the Data structure on your posts and pages of your site. Sometimes, this error comes in the AMP site of your site and you can easily fix this with the help of the WordPress plugin.

Steps on how to fix the error in the required Data structure Element

  1. Download the  Schema and Structured data for WP and AMP plugin from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Click on Schema Types on the left side under Structured Data
  4. Click on Add Schema type
  5. Select Article and click next
  6. Without making changes again click on next
  7. You will see the page of Schema successfully added. Click on Let’s go.

Now, you have successfully added the schema type and updated the JSON file for fixing this issue caused by this error in the required data structure element.

Steps to Validate the fix in Google Search Console

  1. Open Google Search Console
  2. Click on AMP under Enhancements
  3. Select the Error to open the pages affected the error
  4. Click on the Validate Fix

You can also check the errors using the free tool available from Google. You can use this tool before searching for the solution and after validating the fix to ensure the above steps taken are appropriate or not.

So please use as it will show you errors that are not visible in the Google search console sometimes. This will help you to analyze the error in details

When you start to see such Data structure errors on your site, I recommended you to use this tool first to see the exact errors and then use my tutorial if you are using WordPress content management to fix this issue.




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  1. Very good post I think. You have helped me solve this issue. But please can you tell me the name of your theme or template. I really like it.

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